Last of Humanity Compilation Project

So, I have begun a little experiment.  I came up with a prompt over a year ago that I really wanted to write about, but just couldn’t find the time or inspiration to do it justice.  Now, I have decided to do something with it, but instead of tackling it myself I am commissioning some short pieces based on the prompt and collecting them.  Just to see where different writers take this, and see how they explore some themes differently than I would have.  Maybe even explore some parts of humanity and philosophy that we don’t ponder often enough (in my opinion).

The first piece came in today, to be shared shortly.  First, the prompt and note I have given the writers (some minor edits given to each individual).


“Humanity has suddenly become entirely and inexplicably unable to reproduce, universally and instantaneously across the planet.  This was with no warning and no evidence to suggest the cause.  The last conception of a child is later estimated to have taken place on the 23rd of June, 2020, at about 4 p.m.  After that moment, no matter how humanity tries, no matter the years of research and combined efforts of a desperate species, we are not able to discern the cause or solution to the problem- embryos simply fail to develop, without exception.  After the last children conceived are born, no more humans can or will ever come into being; they are the last generation, and with each passing day there are fewer and fewer of us.  This is a certainly, whether people realize or choose to accept it.


Write a short piece based on this prompt, set anywhere either immediately prior to the given date and time, immediately after, or at any point between then and the time shortly following the passing of the last human.  It can focus on an individual, pair, group, or whatever else you like.  It can cover a brief moment or years, it can have whatever tone and theme you desire.  All it has to do is offer at least an approximation of when and where it is taking place and be in accordance with the prompt paragraph.  I trust your discretion.


I am a writer as well, and this is a prompt I have toyed with for a while but have not been able to tackle due to other writing projects and law school.   It spawned from the thought that pretty much everything about our lives and society has this assumption that we will be replaced by others born after us (whether they are our children or not).  It is why we build things that outlive us, it is why we labor away and sustain institutions that are designed to span generations.  Indeed, many people define themselves and their purpose by this notion of having descendants- I am sure you know someone who aspires to little else.  I know I do.  On a personal level, my work as an ecologist and (eventually) an environmental lawyer really only matter if the species persists; what point is there in conservation if all Earth has to do is hold on another 100 years before being done with us?  So, what happens to the individual and society when that assumed future goes away?  After the realization that it is all final sets in, do things continue as normal for as long as they can, or was that prior-mentioned assumption an important part of what was holding our institutions together?  I intend on tasking a number of writers with this prompt.  I will attach the prior pieces if you want to look at it to see what has been tried so far.  Or, if you would rather go in blind to keep any clouding from your own vision, that works too.


Thank you kindly.  If you have any further questions, let me know. “

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